Vacation Guide
View our digital vacation guide or request a printed copy and we will send it your way.
Trip advice.
In a world that continues to push forward, Red River is a town that pushes back. We’re not quite ready to let go of the small, mining town charm that runs through us like a vein of gold.
Sure, we have modern-day amenities. You’ll sleep well and eat well. But days up here in the mountains are more drawn out.
Like the wind flowing through the pines or the water flowing over rocks or the mule deer nudging each other across Main Street, life moves at a slower, more meaningful pace. Even if you’re tearing it up on the slopes or an OHV ride, special moments don’t slip by as quickly. Re-gaining time with loved ones: It’s what brings individuals and families here, and what brings them back. Plan your trip today.
Vacation Guide
View our digital vacation guide or request a printed copy and we will send it your way.
Weather & Average Temperatures
Red River is nestled the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of northern New Mexico. With an elevation of 8,681 feet, the town offers year-round summer, fall, winter and spring activities and small-town experiences…
Getting Here & Getting Around
Red River's charm is found in its sublime location. Locals and visitors alike know Red River as the perfect base for day trips to experience northern New Mexico's unique mountain towns, fun…
Find the answers to frequently asked questions about Red River.
Our History
Steeped in rich history, Red River was once a stomping ground for Ute and Jicarilla Apaches, who raided nearby pueblos and roamed the region. By the 19th century, the area was known…
News & Updates
Check out this week’s schedule of events and activities in Red River.
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