Choose one of the many daily flights into the Albuquerque International Sunport, or try the American Airlines service into Santa Fe (direct from DFW and LAX). Rental cars are available at both airport locations.
Three hour drive
Exit the Sun Port on to I-25N through Santa Fe towards Taos (if you're not planning on seeing Santa Fe you can take the Santa Fe Relief Route - NM 599). Take Hwy. 285/68 through Española and the canyon that runs along the Rio Grande into Taos. Once you get through Taos, head north on NM 522 to Questa, then make a right on Highway 38 towards Red River.
Two hour drive
Exit to Santa Fe airport on to Airport Road. Make a left on NM 599 (Santa Fe Relief Route). Take Hwy. 285/68 through Española and the canyon that runs along the Rio Grande into Taos. Once you get through Taos, head north on NM 522 to Questa, then make a right on Highway 38 towards Red River.
The fastest, easiest route to the Rockies. Scheduled non-stop service between Taos Regional Airport:
Austin and Dallas, Texas
Carlsbad-San Diego and Hawthorne-Los Angeles, California
Visit TaosAir.com or call 833-359-8267 (FLY TAOS) to book your flight.
Helicopter flights are available into Red River from Albuquerque's Double Eagle II Airport from Enchantment Helicopters, (505) 831-HELI.
Ground transportation is available from the Albuquerque International Sunport by calling:
Phone 24 HR Dispatch: (505) 424.3367
Corporate Office: (505) 271-2608
Red River Rates
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